Frequently asked questions

Want to Collaborate?

Most Def! Please use the Contact Page or email me directly: to discuss specifics.

Where do I ship to?

Shipping is currently restricted to Canada and the USA.

What is the delivery estimate?

Estimated delivery time is between 1-2 weeks for Canadian shipping and 2-4 weeks for USA, pending location and quantity of items.

Can I cancel my order?

There is a 12hour grace period to cancel your order should you need to.

Return Policy?

Please use the contact page to detail why you wish to return the item(s) and reference the order number. All return requests will be deliberated and a response will be emailed to you within 3-5 business days.

Where do items ship from?

Most items will ship from Quebec Canada as I am utilizing a drop shipping company based there.

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list”

— Susan Sontag